Whether it was an outbreak of Brainwaste Plague that turned
their former friends into shambling brain eating monsters or just running out
of Scran near their base, they are nomadic and hungry now, just like the rest
of us.
The Sheltered tend to be more willing to negotiate and work
with other Raiders than those that have had to cope with life in the ruins for
an extended period. They haven’t established a specific way of coping with life
in the ruins yet. so they are often more flexible and willing to think outside
the box than a lot of raiders.
The Sheltered normally dress in simple civilian clothing
that wouldn’t be out of place on 21st century Earth. Jeans or combat
trousers are commonly matched up with some sort of light cotton shirt or
t-shirt. More fashion conscious groups may prefer light cotton trousers and asymmetrical
tunic tops. Dresses and skirts are rare due their impracticality while crawling
through tight spaces.
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