Monday, 5 May 2014

Ruin Raiders @ Conpulsion - Call For Feedback

Hi Folks,

I'm looking for some feedback on the Ruin Raiders game at Conpulsion. If you played, helped crew or even if you thought about playing, but didn't. Then, I want to hear from you!

Please post your comments on the blog, or page most convenient to you and I'll get them collated later.

In particular, I'd like to hear your thoughts on any or all the following:
  • Did you have fun and would you play again? Was one run enough? Would you come along if we ran it outside of a convention? Would you be willing to put money towards playing again?
  •  Did you know about the game before you played? Did the info you had on the game match what you actually played? How can I sell the concept better?
  • Did the props and the location add or detract from your enjoyment of the game? Was the space too big or to too small?
  • What did you think of the post game trading and the scoring? Did it add to the fun? Did you feel a need to know what the other teams scores were at during the day?
  • What was the coolest thing that happened on your raid?
Thanks very much in advance for taking the time to help make Ruin Raiders second run even better than the first!

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